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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly

The Self-Harm Diaries (volume vi ~ 卌)


⚠Trigger Warning; the following poem contains subject matter pertaining to self-harm ⚠


I would records tally marks

on my wrists

in ballpoint pen

every time something

unfortunate happened.

Got a bad grade?


Said the wrong thing?


Mistreated by a friend?


Loved someone too hard

(but not be loved back)?


And It was only

under the cover of


in a washroom stall during class

or under the scalding pour of the shower

or after midnight atop white bed sheets

that I would trace the ink

with a razor blade.


"What are those marks," he asked her.

"Oh," she whispered, "Just reminders for something I need to do later."


Image Source:

Tally marks etched into girl's face gif (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 27 feb. 2020].

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