1/4 cup of Stardust
(must be wished on before being brewed.)
1/2 a pound of Bleeding Hearts
(the flower, not the real thing, ya sick son of a bitch!)
Sunflower Petals
(as many as you see fit; you are in desperate need of some sunshine, my darling.)
The Stinger of a Bumble Bee
(something bitter.)
2 tbsp. of Honey
(something sweet)
1 cup of Sea Water
(yes, at first, it will burn, but we must all burn before we heal.)
(do not forget who you are.)
(These embers no longer belong to him.)
Image Source:
Candles blowing of gif (n.d.). [image] Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/search/witches%20%20brew [Accessed 11 Jul. 2018].