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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly

Swan Song (Warped)

Updated: Jan 17, 2019


Heart skips

like a warped record,

trembles over scarred vinyl

until "I love you"

tastes incomplete:

(I) love you

I (love) you

I love (you).

My Swan Song mewls off key,

cascades across the

marred terrain of my soul

in a thick lacquer of tears.

Notes flatline

in unison with my

waning pulse

(waning, like the face

of the moon on the night

of my eighteenth birthday).

My breath

resigns to static,

dances in slow decrescendos--

sputters its way

towards nothingness,

slipping rapidly from

my consciousness until

I no longer hold

any recollection of the music

(or the poetry)


Image Source:

Purple Vinyl Gif (n.d.). [image] Availabl at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2018].

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