The night
breathes down the back of my neck
in tendrils of air that smell
of Mexican cigars
and something like copper
(something like blood).
Cold bedsheets cling to
the perspiration on my body,
stick to me like a band-aid.
Come morning,
it will hurt
to peel them off--
it will hurt to get out of bed
(perpetual exhaustion
will do that
to a girl).
A clock prowls in the
corner of the room,
pondering the hours
of sleep that have evaded me
with every hopeless tick
of its gnarled hands.
Lost time adheres to
the skin beneath my eyes–
black as the darkness
that threatensto devour me.
From somewhere
within the abysmal black
she glares at me menacingly,
her red eyes smouldering
in the opaqueness,
yellow fangs bearing down on me
like the bars of a prison cell.
for I am her captive–
I am a slave of The Night.
Image Source:
Candle wax dripping on hand gif . (n.d.). [image] Available at: https://weheartit.com/entry/109209773[Accessed 11 Sept. 2018].