⚠️Trigger Warning: The following poem contains subject matter pertaining to suicidal ideation and self-harm⚠️
If they:
- Don’t clean up after themselves when they stay overnight
- Are mean to your dog
- Never give you a standing ovation in drama class
(even though the rest of the class does and even though you fucking deserve one)
- Only want to be around when their other friends are not available
-Treat you like a second choice
-Ditch you when you’re drunk and sad at a party to go get McDonald's
-Exclude you from slumber parties and other gatherings
-Get angry at you for crying
- Purposely withhold bad news because they expect you to cry
(which will make them angry)
- Tell you where to cut so you don't get caught, and then diagnose themselves with compassion fatigue when you do cut yourself --because, suddenly, you are too much to handle.
-Get angry at you for being suicidal
-Get offended when you call them out on their bull shit instead of apologizing
-Chastise you for saying something negative about one of their other friends but fail to stand up to their other friends when they talk shit about you
- Stop whispering when you enter a room
-Refuse to tell you any of their secrets but collect your secrets like postage stamps
- Take advantage of your generosity (both material and emotional) even though they haven’t once paid for your dinner
-Basically patronize you at any given opportunity
- Don’t call you when they come back into town
- Don’t even tell you when they come back into town
- Make you want to die
then they are not your " friend"
If you have to put
in quotations marks,
then they are not your
If you've fantasized about
killing yourself
and them leaving
them a cassette tape
with their name on it
like Hannah Baker does
in Thirteen Reasons Why,
they. are. not. your. friend.
Image Source:
girls in summertime black and white gif [image] Available at: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/531424824757754460/ [Accessed 16 Feb. 2021]