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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly

Lady Fate (The Invention of the Star-Crossed Lover)

Updated: Jul 4, 2019


There goes Lady Fate,

donned in solar sparks

and her lace corset

whose overt promiscuity

catches the attention of

one unsuspecting astronaut–

his helm fogs as he exhales,

his breath crude and lascivious.

Even Neptune’s eyes themselves

glitter wetly with passion

as she struts towards Polaris in

her pinprick stilettos.

She adjusts her stance accordingly:

I. Purse lips into a smoulder

(might as well look

pretty while ya get the job done.)

II. Aim for the desired target

(that there’s the bull’s eye.)

III. Wreak havoc

just as any Fate is meant to do.

(But, of course.)

She picks up her staff and fires.

The universe tremors

 in an unbridled spiral

of colour and chaos

as the planets

d    a    r    t

about like billiards,

* * *

colliding/|\with/|\ the/|\ stars

who,  in the midst of the madness,

d i v e r g e and c* r* o* s *s*

for fear of being vanquished.

A cluster of mismatched constellations

and forsaken cosmic particles

settle into a state of

 mutual negligence and destruction.

And, together, they liquefy into

a festering pool of molten silver.

Lady Fate grins–

yes, she has the stars right

where she wants them now–

and, in a final act of defiance,

she strikes against the earth

and watches with satisfaction as

it hurtles towards the silver

and sinks down into the molten

like an eight ball.

(And everyone knows it’s

Game Over

once you’ve sunk the eight ball).

From where she stands–

bent over Polaris

in seductive pretentiousness —

she relishes

in the screams

of some wretched lover–

the first to ever be

betrayed by the stars.


Image Source:

Celestial man and lover gif (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jul 2018].

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