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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly


Updated: Oct 5, 2020



porous honeycomb

whose multitudes of caverns

I mistook for



whose beat

I likened to the pulsate of

a lacklustre neon sign

advertising the vacancy

of roach-infested motels

located on the outskirts of

indifferent highways

in the hopes

that someone

will stay the night.

I don't mean sex,

for the record--

I mean someone


who would wait out my

storms with me.

Even when I'd smash

champagne bottles against

the headboard

or throw fists at the walls

shards detonating upon

freshly fallen plaster.

When the boarders left,

they left at midnight

after I'd fallen asleep,

a crystallization of frost

settling onto my hibernating lashes.

I equated the uninhabited rooms with


In reality,

they were merely vessels

for better furnishings.

To anyone

who treated friendship like it was a


instead of a

mutually empathetic connection;

to anyone

who engulfed me

in their own downpour

but were unwilling

to offer up their shoulder

as a lighthouse

when I'd lost my way:

consider this your

final eviction notice.*


*I've come to understand the difference between being left, and letting someone leave; often, the heart recognizes and evicts the parasites we host, before we, ourselves, realize their parasitic nature.


Image Source:

Daisies surround honey comb gif (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 19 Sep. 2020]

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