I always look
my most beautiful
when I cry;
the bags under my eyes
burn as poignantly
as waning crescents,
lips plump as they quiver
with the same multitudes
of Artemis' bowstring ,
chest heave-hoeing
against the tempered
vessel of my soul.
I wear sadness
remarkably well,
you know.
Like black lipstick.
or short hair.
or poetry.
(Cleopatra's got nothing on me, baby)
My reflection tessellates
against the swell of my tears,
evolves into
kaleidoscopic fractals
of smouldering thrones
and howling queens--
into images most
strange and terrible.
(But, oh, how I welcome them)
A delicate curtsy of words
respires from my mouth,
forms upon my tongue
its homage--
hail thy shattered kingdom
hail thy shattered kingdom
hail thy shattered kingdom.
Image Source: Whimsical woman dancing in the nude gif (n.d.). [image] Available at: https://wifflegif.com/gifs/173616-black-and-white-white-dress-gif [Accessed 31 Dec. 2018].