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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly

Girl Out of Water


⚠Trigger Warning; the following poem contains subject matter pertaining to self-harm ⚠


My body


the water

the way my skin splits

when I feel lost;

when chasms are summoned

beneath the metallic glisten

of a razor blade

as it slashes back and forth

like a catfish's tale.

Along the surface,

a dark laceration materializes

swallowing me upon.


It takes three seconds

before I resurface.

But underwater,

time is dormant

and three seconds

is an eternity

according to our own

concepts of time.

one mississippi . . .

Beneath the currents,

an eclipse of blue

froths around me

like the carbonated bubbles

of cherry cola--

I drink.


brine whistling

through my teeth,

settling between gnashing enamel.

I do not do this on purpose

(only subconsciously).

two mississippi . . .



my arms and legs

anchor in place,

rendering themselves stationary


amidst the tide.

I am afraid--

of course,

I am afraid--

but found within my panic

are nuances of curious bewilderment.

three mississippi--

I emerge,

water swimming violently

in my nose,

pale breasts having escaped

the iridescent clamshells

of my swimsuit.

I am undressed

at the hands of the sea.

She knows me well

(oh so intimate.)

With salt and squid ink

foaming at her tongue,

she whispers a truth

I fail to comprehend

into my waterlogged ears:


it has always been your first instinct to drown.



drowned you shall be."


Image Source:

Dvornikova, Alexandra. “Giphy .” Giphy ,

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