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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly



Most days,

she feels so lost,

that you would think

there was once a time

when she belonged to someone,

that she had accidentally

been misplaced somehow.

But you must first have something--

want something--

before you can lose it.

(And no one has ever wanted her.)

She is a translucent thing,

you see.

She must walk through walls,

for no one--

neither friend nor foe--

seems to notice her

when she enters a room.

(or when she leaves one.)

She’ll slip away

from a crowd so easily,

it was almost as if she was

never even there at all.

It only takes a second–

a breath,

a bat of an eyelash;

by the time you’ve turned around,

she’s gone.

(she's always been good at disappearing,

or maybe you're just bad at paying attention.)

But it’s no matter;

her presence does not faze you,

so what makes her


any different?

No one would care

to love a girl like her,


A girl so

o u t

o f

p l a c e.


Image Source:

Girl vanishing gif. (n.d.).[image] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].

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1 Comment

Jan 22, 2019

I feel it so much.

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