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Circus Queen

Updated: Jul 4, 2019


The countenance of her throne

epitomizes the state of her soul,

and this countenance I shall describe

only to those who may tolerate the details

of its most uncanny existence.

A clique of stallions

gallop about in a nauseating blur,

their red eyes glowering under

the amber light descending from

an ominous sliver of moon,

its mere presence prompting on

the inversion of the stars

and the curled screeches of

many a morbid beast

whose fur hangs darker than

the trembling eye of Hell.

Atop one lacerated saddle

rides Her Majesty--

The Queen of the Circus,

deranged like the specimens

she keeps in her company.


with every cacophonic rise

of the carousel,

she howls,

her orgasmic cries as primal as

the stallions' untamed whinnies.

She bites her lip until

she can taste blood

(and sex),

throws her hands to her temples

in erotic wistfulness--

pale limbs encompass teased hair

where decomposing acorns

(rotten kisses)

and bouquets of Nightshade

reside amongst the tangle

of Medusa-Esque curls,

amongst large, brown eyes

that sparkle gold under

the cursed heavens

which have been simultaneously

pleasured and scandalized

by the sight of her bare breasts

clinging to sheer leotard,

by the sight of her body swaying

round the rusted poles that

have sunk themselves into the horses' skulls

like a ring sinks round

a glass bottle or a lover's finger.

Of course, Her Royal Darkness

is more than just a Circus Queen.

She, indeed, entertains

a grand variety of morbid hobbies;

She is a Fire Eater

{spitters are quitters};

Grave Digger

{she dances the Charleston atop

treasure chests of bones and

bones with carnival mobsters};

Crystal Ball Prodigy

{reading palm | l|i|n|e|s | like







Ring Mistress

{fuck or kill,

purr or bite--

what shall it be?};


{knees perched above shoulders,

a man's mouth between her legs};


{I'll steal your breath away, darling.}

Why yes!

She is a Jaqueline of all trades.

Pick a card! Any Card! ...

Is this your card? ...

A heart is drawn,

cleaved between her teeth,

each pulse of vein

a magnificent drum beat

against her tongue.

With the blood of her prey--

juices as thickly sweet

as candy floss--

she marks her territory,

parades her kill--

a pink handprint

smeared across the hide

of each stallion.

What dizzying artistry...

how lovely--


she laughs,

each high pitched giggle

a homage to the maddening musings

of her soul

(and her throne).


Image Source:

Lana Del Rey Tropico gif (n.d.). [image] Available at:: Carousel gif (n.d.). [image] Available at::  [Accessed 31 Aug. 2018].

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