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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly

Cinematic Beauty Queen (The Show Must Go On)


There's always been something

so Hollywood about her--

and I don't mean

21st Century bullshit.

I'm talkin'

Judy Garland,

you're the bee's knees

type of Hollywood.

Now, listen--

this girl--

I'm talkin'


(she'll blow your

fuckin' socks off).

I'm talkin'

Cinematic Beauty Queen;

skin freckled with film grain

the same way the night sky

is freckled with constellation,

mouth parted like velvet curtains

only to reveal the sweetest prose.

She is Mystique-Fatale,

blazon in colour

among dull, sepia tones--

an Oz among all

the dreary Kanseses.

She is allure and poeticism,

hair curled grand,

dressed to the nines

in lace and satin

(they wonder

what lies beyond the

half moons of her breasts

and the slit in her gown,

if the butterflies

run rampant

between her knees

like everyone says).

Do not underestimate her--

she is both


(her kindness

does not falter)

and Pinup-Girl-Honey

(one would not think

to challenge--

to break--

a woman

so prolifically brazen,

but they try anyway).

In a world filled

with actresses--

please, darlings,

save the acting for

the stage,

goddamn it--

she is so ineffably herself.

She does not reserve

her emotion for

the theatre alone;

she is not afraid

to cry, and--


when she cries

the earth shakes

with the very profusions

of an opera singer's vibrato.

And, God,

you should hear

her poetry,

brimmed with images

picturesque and tragic,

straight outta the movies

it would seem.

Yet, her words

ring with something

so inconceivably real.

And that's what

you've always loved

best about her--

she is the truest

person you've ever met.

It's a shame, then,

that you wouldn't stay

for the grand finale.


with or without you,

the show must go on.

(and it has).


Image Source:

Lana Del Rey vintage gif .(n.d.).[image] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2019].

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