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  • Writer's pictureYours Truly


Updated: Oct 16, 2018


By my standards,

he is a ten.

I'm sure you're

laughing right now--

"ooohhhh, she think's

he's a ten"--

but that's not

what I mean.

What I am trying to say is that,

on a scale from one to ten,

one being indicative of

experiencing little to no pain

and ten being indicative of

experiencing a pain whose presence

is capable of knocking the wind

straight out of me--

a pain that I do not

dare to fathom

for fear of prolonging it--

he was a hurricane.

My hurricane.

The eye of the storm,

his aloof ignorance

paralleled against the

violently cyclonic nature

of this heartache--

cacophonic in its impact

and blasphemous in

every context of the word


I don't think

getting caught in the rain

has ever hurt quite this much.


I surrender to this hurt

the way the sea surrenders

to the Almighty Poseidon;

the way my feet surrender

to the rocks

tied round my ankles;

the way my soul surrenders

to its contusions

(so is a casualty

of a broken heart).


I imagine what it would be

like to kiss him

when I wake up in

the middle of the night,

lucid dreaming and

shivering against the bed sheets

(must be hypothermia,

I think;

the coldness of his

absence settling among the

loneliest parts of me).

I try to remind myself

that he was never

any happy ending of mine--

just an ending.

And something tells me

kissing him would feel

a little less

like thimbles

and a little more

like sewing needles.

After all,

he always did have

a way of silencing me,

my lips stitched together

into the most morbid

of embroideries.

Because god forbid

you dare question

a tempest--

even when he has

left you

to stew in your

own ruin--

for fear of provoking

his stormy wrath.

Part of me

has always been afraid

of him,

you know

Looking back now,

that should have been

my first indication

that I had been entertaining

an abusive relationship.


he never laid a hand

on me.


I was terrified that

there would come a day

when he would eventually snap.

I can envision it--

ribs crack like lightning;

bruises congealing beneath

my eyes like grape jelly;

fingerprints seared

across my cheek;

my head held underwater,

until I've stopped

breathing altogether.

Of course, there exists

more than one way

to destroy a person,

though he will claim

that he has done nothing

to wrong me.


he would tell me that I am just reading

too much into things.

S'pose it's your turn then,


Trace the brailed veins

of my shattered heart,

and feel all the ways

you have broken me so.

Let your eyes flit

across the expanse

of these water-logged stanzas--

tell me,

does the poetry not speak

for itself?

Or does my drowning not suffice?


Image Source:

Lana Del Rey Blue Jeans music video gif (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2018].

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